January 24, 2013

Bear With Me!

I *think* I have fixed the html problem that was destroying my blog, but for some reason now it has reposted two of my old posts.  Why these two?  I have no idea.  Sorry for the repeat!

I am hoping that this will all be fixed by the weekend, because I have a brand-new, original tutorial for you!  It's full of my silly mistakes too, so it should be fairly entertaining.

Cheers, and thanks for your patience!


Put The Doctor on the Cover of TV Guide!

Let's face it, TV Guide usually is full of junk we aren't all that interested in. But this time we will have a chance to make a change! TV Guide is letting people vote for their favorite show to be on the cover of an issue, and Doctor Who is one of the options!

To vote (and you can vote a million times if you want), you'll need to go to the facebook page here and "Like" the Fan Favorites Cover. Then you just make your choice and enter the captcha (and reenter it because that 9 sure looked like a g) and submit. It's actually not that hard. So come on, folks, let's do this!

Japanese Kitty in Need of Home

We can't eat knickknacks, so I'm putting some of my things up for sale. I hate to see this one go, but I'm sure there's someone out there who will love it as much as I have.

For more info, click the link below!
Vintage Japanese Cat

Guaranteed not to shed!

Update:  SOLD

Harvestmath Blues

Every year on Lord of the Rings Online I look forward to autumn because of the Harvestmath festival. It is always the one with the most beautiful mounts, the prettiest cloaks, the best dresses...you get the idea. It also has the Haunted Burrow now, which is my favourite of the festival settings. Each year I drool in anticipation of the upcoming autumn leaf or tree designs.
For example, last year we were offered a nice creepy bare-branched tree theme for cosmetic outfit items and mounts.
I love the way the tree shadows blend and Aurelas is almost camouflaged! And yes, the hat is from the winter festival, but it went so well that I had to include it.

The full regalia from last year, including the mount, can be seen here. Isn't it so nice and spooky?

From past years I have accumulated other lovely items, such as the Cloak of Falling Leaves and the Harvestmath mount, which is one of my all time favourites!

Of course we mustn't forget the Wrap of Turning Leaves and pumpkin mask.

Leaves, pumpkins, bare trees...so far everything has been pretty much what you would expect for autumnal fashions on LOTRO. For those who like to be even a bit creepier, there is the raven costume, which of course I had to have for Cal. What could be more perfect for one who creeps through the shadows?

So all of these years there have been nice, spooky, pretty, creepy, leafy things to get from doing quests at the Harvestmath festival. However, this year, there has been a major disappointment for me. While I appreciate the idea of choosing something a bit different for the theme, Oktoberfest is just a bit too different to me. I cannot picture my lovely elves running around with giant pretzels on their clothes! I guess Caledonia, my hobbit burglar, or Dagney, my lovely dwarfmaiden guardian, might look alright in "beer and pretzels everywhere" gear, but not good enough to justify spending hours trying to accumulate the tokens needed to buy it.

Click here to visit Cosmetic Lotro to see what I mean. Warning: it really is pretty dreadful! Unless you live for beer and pretzels of course. I wish they had at least made it a bit more authentic and had a classic dirndl dress for the ladies.

The only item I decided I really needed was the Harvest Brew Circlet. It goes really nicely with the Farmer's Faire dress!

The air is a little chilly, the leaves are sort of turning, and instead of getting lost in the Haunted Burrow I actually have time to get real quests done! I guess that is a nice change but at the same time, I feel cheated--just like Sally after the Great Pumpkin didn't show up!


Next year could you bring autumn back to the autumn festival? Please?


This Blog is Under Construction!

Due to the fact that this blog keeps unformatting itself, it will be under construction until it is fixed.  This doesn't mean that there won't be any new posts, just that the appearance of the blog and gadgets (some may disappear and reappear lol) will be changing a lot over the next few days.  I really hope I can figure out what the problem is and get it straightened out soon.

Thanks for your patience!


January 23, 2013

A Useful Excursion

The Precious had a doctor's appointment today in a town far, far away from here. It is also a town that is much bigger than the one in which we live, with lots of crafting stores that we normally do not have access to. So I decided to use the opportunity to find a bobbin case for my sewing machine.

Believe it or not, mine broke.

I didn't know they could.

Though I'd been told that Hancock Fabrics didn't have bobbin cases, I ran in just in case. Of course, I couldn't pass up the fat quarter section while I was there. I am so glad I looked, because I found the best fabric ever! In fact, I guess you could say I found the best fabric ever times three, because there were three fat quarters I just had to have.

Yep, there are cats printed on these fabrics! Exquisite, elegant cats made of toile and florals :D

How could I pass those up? I plan to use them to make some new pillows--not that we need any more really!

The lady at Hancock's told me of a local store where I could probably get the sewing machine part that I needed, and sure enough, she was right! I was even able to get a used one.

I tried it in my machine as soon as I got in and it fits, so now I can sew again! I feel so liberated!

PS. The electronics kit in the background belongs to my husband, in case anyone is curious. I don't trust myself with wires. I still have bad memories of grabbing an electric fence when I was about two years old!

January 22, 2013

Sorry! My Bad!

I asked everyone to vote for me without realizing that I'd made a mistake on the link. So, for everyone who kept clicking and wondering what was wrong, I'm sorry! Here's the real deal. It works, I promise.

Sunday Madness on Lucky Community

NOW go out there and vote! lol

Cupcakes to Wake the Dead

I was going to call these cupcakes to die for, but then I realized that with all the caffeine, you wouldn't stay dead long! I haven't actually tried the recipe yet, but it comes from my friend Carrie at My Sweet Peace, so I know it has to be good. Visit her blog to try it for yourself!

Wake-Up Call Recipe

If you can resist that, you REALLY need a wake-up call!

I Got Published!

I am so excited! I know it's silly to be, but I am anyway. My badly-written little article was posted on Lucky Community!

Sunday Madness

Please click on the link above and vote me up. Thanks in advance!