I think a big change for me has been that my Etsy shop is much much more successful! I have gone from being lucky to make a sale every month to having had a day when my husband had to take two packages to the post office on the same day :D I have even run out of my business address labels and shipping labels and am trying to figure out how I can make some more. We have actually managed to pay off some decent-sized medical bills due to my earnings from Etsy. It has been such a blessing! And I feel more and more independent and useful as the money trickles in and I can say "I earned that." Being a stay-at-home mom has been a huge challenge for me and this is definitely making it a little easier to accept not having a job. Well, a job with a salary, that is.
I think the increase in sales can be attributed to better photos and keywords, but also to my wonderful team members in the Spotlight Promotion Team! Etsy Meet n Tweet has been helpful as well. Learning how everything works is an ongoing process, but I think I'm slowly getting it. Expanding my horizons onto Twitter, Wanelo, etc has been challenging as each social media site takes bites out of a day that is already pretty busy, but it has been worth it. And of course, having said all of this, I have to show off some new listings from my shop. You knew it was coming, right?
This has to be one of the prettiest things I've found all year!
Vintage Blue Green Depression Glass Votive
It took me ages but I finally got all of my Royal Doulton Summer Days stoneware listed. (No, it does not have "handpainted periwinkles!") Anyone who buys it all will get 10% off! These are only 2 of the 6 listings.
Summer Days Royal Doulton Oval Platter
Summer Days Royal Doulton Teacups Mugs Set of 6
I'm starting to think I will never be finished destashing! I'm trying to sell the costume patterns I will likely never use, like this hoopskirt pattern.
Victorian Steampunk Hoopskirt Crinoline Simplicity 7621 Fashion Historian Uncut Pattern
And the same goes for crochet patterns...
Fantasy Princesses Crochet Pattern for 14 inch Doll
dollmaking supplies...
Doll Face Iron On Transfers "Natalie"
and kits!
Ballet No Count Cross Stitch Kit
I have decided that I want to get my craft supplies all into the same area instead of two separate rooms, so I am really trying to be tough with myself. It will probably take years but maybe at the end I will not be a craft hoarder anymore. Maybe. When I remember that I just hit up a sale at Hancock Fabrics this week, I realize I may never be able to shake the addiction!
I have goals for my Etsy shop as well. Obviously, I want to get all of the stuff I have sitting around waiting listed before the year is out! I want to have over 100 items in my shop all at once. I will be partnering with a friend to sell some lovely vintage linens and clothing her mother left her--very excited about that! And I would really like my shop to include more items that I have actually made rather than just vintage items and craft supplies. Sometimes, especially when combined with my other duties, it all seems like more than I can handle. So this year I will just have to remember to breathe and then pick up the pace!