September 23, 2012

The Peace of Sunday

Beautiful Dove at Sea

I had expected this weekend, and today especially, to be somewhat stressful, and it has been. What I didn't expect was the amazing peace that has presided overall. Today The Precious and I attended St. Agatha's, where she played happily and quietly, not even breaking into the "poop song". In case you're curious, that's what we call it when she sings her favourite word, "poop" over and over again. After the service my husband surprised me with a picnic in the park across the street and we were able to watch the ducks cruise on the lake as we ate.
This afternoon after my nap I even got to work on a dress for my Francie doll and watch Doctor Who. It has just been such a nice, relaxed, peaceful day--just what I needed!

May your day be peaceful as well.

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